After the unexpected demise of Nicos Femme Fatale (our elegant blonde fowl) last week, and with Sam wanting to offload a couple from her coop, yesterday the girls and I adopted two new chickens.
Well, you couldn't believe the fuss that has caused in the coop! It's not like we have never had new birds before (we lost three chicks in summer to… we don't know they just disappeared) and Blackie Lawless, Fernando Gonzales, and Scarlet O'Hara were all newcomers themselves in the past, but those three chooks are cranky!
New girls, Mahogany and Red Signpost (it is really funny to us) are very happy with their new digs, busying themselves in the compost pile
and trying to dig to China, it seems
The other girls are huddled in a corner, loudly clucking in abject disgust about the intruders.
Bitching away to each other, like girls do.
"Cluck, cluck, bock, bock. Look at those two, digging down in the compost! We never did that. What do they think? There's worms in there or something! Ha! Cluck cluck."
It's quite funny, albeit noisy.
And one of my new girls has already given me an egg, so they are staying!
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