All over again.
But after talking shop a little with our pilot Ross, over marshmallows at the bonfire, and realising he was just a good bloke who knew how to fly a plane and not some strange being who makes the impossible (us being airborne) happen, I felt a little more confident.
While still busting to get it over and done with.
Mt Ive – Sydney.
Stylist Jo Ferguson beckons us, in the dawn light, to hurry up and get onboard…
Ross treated us to a special flyover of Lake Gairdner.
I love this moonshine!
Lake Gairdner is bigger than Sydney Harbour.
When we were there on the edge, on land, we were only scratching the surface, so to speak.
It's from the air that you really get an idea of the enormity of it.
Red island in the salt.
Expansive spectacle,
and spectacularly big
You can see from the air why Iron Knob
(yup, still laughing)
is a landmark
Port Augusta, for the third time in a few months – which is a little odd.
Loooong straight roads. Love 'em.
The night before over the hot 'mallows, I'd also chatted to Ross about wanting to see Lake Mungo last time we were driving from South Australia.
We hadn't made it in the car, but ever obliging, our pilot treated us to a special flyover instead!
How awe-inspiring this land is…
Middle of nowhere.
A huge line of sand dunes!
The Blue Mountains and one of my (many) "I used to live in that house" moments.
And finally home,
for another of my ground kissing moments.
It's a good feeling.
But I'm so keen to go back!
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