Johnny sent me a link today for an old video clip
of his. It brought back some memories! I was concerned that I would watch it
and have to file him in the “What was I thinking” section. Luckily,
this wasn’t the case, and I’m happy to say I had better judgement with him
than I did some of the other rockstars I had drooled over while at school.
Bloody hell, that Alex Smith guy from Moving Pictures (you know, “What
About Me” the original), geez, what did I see in him? Thankfully I never
met him.
But I met Johnny. After swooning over him on my
tele during my school years, the night I finished my HSC, I had the good
fortune of having him approach me with a dreadful pick-up line. One thing led
to another, and I got to take him to my school formal. This was kinda awesome
for me – a bit of a coup. I was considered a dag at my school. Not pretty. Few
boyfriends. I didn’t go to parties on the North Shore. Girls at my school had
pigeonholed me into the dag department. Clearly, they were misguided. I
was going out in the city. Oxford St nightclubs, hanging out with gay guys
mostly. But also, making great friends in there, and getting to know the people
you need to know to walk past the door queues, not pay the cover charges at the
cool places those nasty schoolmates of mine would try to get into a year or 2
later and be knocked back from. I’d also started modelling. Was I living the
dream? Model dating rockstar? To be honest, it didn’t feel like I was at the
time, but it hindsight, I guess it was kinda cool.
But I digress.
Johnny was my first love.
Here he is… (he’s the singer, by the way)
You Tube! I will upload the videos when they send me a confirmation email, but
they seem to be on a go-slow at the moment. In the meantime, just click the
links and check em out. They are a slice of 80’s delights!
I have a memory of another, with a great deal of
man-make-up being worn in it, just can’t remember which…
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