How cool is the picture on this album cover! Niki
gave me a book of album covers for my birthday – bless her – and this is definately
my favourite. I just love it. I want to touch it.
Not sure what Sweet classics were on this one, but
I immeadiately think
“Are you ready Steve?” “Aah ha”…..
She also gave me an Anias Nin book – no pictures there,
though. Isn’t she gorgeous!
Patti-cake’s necklaces have been on constantly since my birthday. I haven’t worn full-time
necklaces for years! Gee, I guess that must be since I was a teenager.
Mum gave me my Lame pants (unbeknownst to her). I think she said “Oh
Gawd!” when she saw them. But, she also gave me something very precious,
cherished, loved and coveted………..
She gave me her pair of Good Sewing Scissors!!!!
No, no, no, no, no
I can’t sew
But now I can say
“Not with the good sewing scissors!!!”
Some cropping of photos has occurred in this
re-post from my previous blog. For those who
are super-keen, a right-click on the image
to view it in a new tab will show the full size.
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