Photographers are always trying to think of new ways to light their subjects. Backstage, I see so many different creations – bits of paper, odd-shaped plastic, and pieces of cardboard attached to flashes. Other photographers have assistants whose sole duty it is to hold the light (height is an advantage in these assistants), and others bring in something like this contraption below
Not the head. It's what's around it. A triangle of lights, on a stand. Big, cumbersome, and not at all portable – I only saw it at this one show, but the light is, erm, pretty – on someone pretty.
I got a bit excited when I saw the girls' wigs – I had the same hairstyle at school, when I started modelling.
Pretty detail
I really love this green dress – 70's sexy
Interesting shapes, and the hair complimented them nicely.
Here's me, circa '86 I think, wearing a top by Boyproof (that's Peter Morrisey and Leona Edminston to all you young folk) and Reva skirt. I remember the clothes, as they were mine. My hair is a little tousled here, I used to wear it more sleek, with longer pieces in front of the ears. Photo by Kent Johnson.
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