My Germany to Belgium route needed to include another small country (just cos I could). Luxembourg could easily have been passed straight through relatively quickly, but I felt a little obligation to myself to at least set foot on this small country's soil.
Bit of a mistake. Midway in a long drive the last thing you feel like doing is queuing up behind a whole lot of deluded tourists thinking that by crossing the border and buying their coffee and booze in bulk and free from duty, it will be cheap.
They are so wrong.
Had they headed south to Italy instead, their reward would have been coffee at half the price that it was in that petrol station, the alcohol too, and the cokes they drank while standing in the lines paying for their overpriced petrol would have paid for their trip over another border.
We only just made it to Dinant before closing time for our giant, bas relief styled, hard biscuits called 'couque'. Another revisit of our previous trip.
The next morning (and day, and the day after that too) we gnawed away on the hard honey and flour shapes….
A few photos from around Granny's house….
If only I could pick it all up and bring it home to use as backdrops for my childrens' portraits!
Near Muizen there is a dairy farmer who sells ice-cream from a shop at the farm gate.
I love that!
The ice-cream was delicious!
Makes me smile.
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