It can be a tough old story, the ex of your current partner.
Often times, your current partner may still have feelings for one, or more, of his or her previous loves. Feelings that may never be acted upon, but are always there, like a monkey on the relationship's back, until such time as so much water has flowed under the bridge, your partner grows and moves on, or (best case scenario), your partner realises you are a far better person to be with, and so the ex is simply replaced. But, no matter how they eventually get over the ex, the territory is fraught until they do. And it's only when they have, that you can start to get over the ex yourself.
The green-eyed monster can rear it's ugly head quite readily in a relationship's early days, if enough references to the ex are made. Worse still, however, is the hook-up while your new partner is still mourning the loss.
Of course, for the purposes of this post, the latter is true for me – otherwise, it could hardly be an interesting thing to write about. That is unless the ex in question just happened to be the highest-earning model in the world last year, as well.
And, she just so happens to be in every magazine you read, on countless internet sites, and more – she's bloody omnipresent!
And she's (cough… ahem) 14 years my junior.
And guys, everywhere, love her boobies.
How are you supposed to compete with that??
Really, none of these things make me particularly jealous of someone (hell, I can always find a fault or two). Angelina Jolie is a hot spunk with a hot spunk husband and an enviable life, but I'm not jealous of her. I'm only jealous of the ex, because of his feelings for her, and the special place she once held for him. If she had been a fat check-out chick, but he still pined after her, I would still be jealous. It just doesn't help when her image is flaunted and fetted on media everywhere I look. Nor does it help, that 5 years after she called it quits, and 4 years after my partner and I got together, people (journalists!) are still writing about how she "broke his heart". I mean, COME ON!
Could it get any worse?
Apparently so.
After talking with my friend (let's call her Julie), about exes leaving an indelible mark on the heart of your partner, and in particular certain well-known models, Julie said, "There is worse. You want to know the ex I'm most jealous of? The one I could never be as good as?"
she cocks her head to the side and gives a wry smile, "She's dead."
You can't beat that. The dead ex can never do wrong and the memory of her will remain that of which it was when their love sadly ended – pure and unsullied.
So folks, there you have it. No matter how you may feel about a lost love of your nearest and dearest, no matter whether you are despondent or hateful towards this person you probably never met, death beats supermodel any day.
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