Jamon Jamon!
This cava is really quite nice. Can you believe the price!? That's less than 2 Euros a bottle! From the most convenient location, too – the supermarket.
I love Spain.
Perhaps Cabre & Sabate is not quite up to your standards? A bit of Moet at the basement price of 28 Euros 50 might be more in your league?
It's worth noting here, that I can lay claim to being able to order a glass of dry white wine in a myriad of languages now.
Spain has another drink I love, and it's not alcoholic!
Horchata, made from the chufa plant, with milk and sugar added.
Oh, so good.
Swimming lessons in the 'other' (as in, not the guest house we first stayed in) pool.
Coffee at the beach…
…and what a beautiful beach it is. Granadella…
I love to snorkel there, and swim to the pontoon to dive off.
Evan's very good photo of his house of cards…
Spot the difference at dinner time
Bebeir takes a break from sticking needles in horses, and has a go at India and I.
India was a far better patient (and model) than I.
All good things come to an end – in this case twice.
The road beckoned.
People to meet. Places to see.
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