By the time afternoon came around and I still hadn't eaten anything aside from a teeny tub of yoghurt at 7.30 that morning, I was fast on my way to becoming a vanishing elephant myself. We got to the (slightly) off-site show to find there were boys walking too, so there was no hint of any food at all. Not a jot. The boys got there first, and had wolfed it all down.
Now folks, I'm going to have to come clean here. By taking the next shot, I ruined the whole show.
No, they were not in the show when I took the shot.
Just a walk through.
Huge room. No-one around.
But holey-moley, the way I got barked at! Fer goodness sake! "Who was I????, Who/What was I shooting for????"
You would actually have thought there may be some global significance to the walk-through. But nope.
It's just a fashion show,
And you do know who I'm shooting for.
And I didn't ruin it.
But it's why fashion is not my career.
Oh, I digress.
Here's the shot.
Great location.
How hot is this guy!
Not 'hot' like I want him to be my boyfriend, but so hot as a portrait subject!
Really, male models are fairly scarce
And he's a nice guy too…
Come back to the five and dime…
Alright. Last one.
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