Over summer, Patti and I took the kids along to the MCA to see the hugely interactive, and therefore delightfully kid-friendly, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer exhibition titled 'Recorders'.
Patrons moving through the various installations record and leave a little of themselves in each work. Perfect fodder for the narcissism we are all feeling a little bolder about showing, such is the generation of the 'me', or more influentially the 'i'.
'Please Empty Your Pockets' – just like an airport scanner, only funner…
'Tape Recorders' – my favourite because I love tape measures – they remind me of my childhood spent in home renovations, the visual simplicity was really attractive to me, and the irregular crashing sounds as they bent with the weight giving me a shock each time as well as making me smile.
In India's shadow…
Bellie Holiday
'The Year's Midnight'
Evan's Heathen Child t-shirt rocks.
'Pulse Index'
I've become so accustomed to the view of pixels, it's easy to forget these are still the fingerprints – only smaller
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