We had a little bit of rain while on this last trip,
but it didn't dampen our spirits,
and in town, trade at the market was as busy as ever. Even outdoors.
This recent trip to Sigatoka, I couldn't believe how much has changed in such a short period, with spas and trendy clothes and shoe shops popping up, just in the last six months.
Where I live, hardly anyone still smokes. I really notice if someone is smoking in the street, and figure they must live elsewhere. But when I travel, I am acutely aware of how many smokers there still arein the world.
This sign at the bus depot in Sigatoka stood out, for it's 'modernist' attitude…
Good work, Sigatoka town!
Stopping for lunch a little further along the way, check out these beauties!
We sat Kita in there for a size comparison. Pity I had already ordered my lunch.
I didn't let the girls get their hair braided while in Fiji. I really don't love the look. They still manage to find a way around it, though.
After lunch, it was back to Kula Eco Park, cos we love it there…
The ginger flower is so beautiful.
A great day, even in the rain.
So I can finish with a selfie…
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