Back in Belgium, for the last time.
The garden at Wim and Hilda's was very different to that first day, when we had sat under the walnut tree sipping cool drinks, sleepy after the flight and warmed by the summer's day.
Cherries and plums, then apples and pears, all had their seasons in the garden as we came and went.
Now, the walnuts were ready for eating.
The surrounding fields, all ploughed.
Winter's approach seemed like the perfect signal that our time there was almost at an end.
Hilda helped the kids make bags for the presents we were taking home.
Heart-shaped potato prints from heart-shaped potatoes!
The kids look like little surgeons in the paint shirts…
Wim decanted, and we all tried, some very old red wine. I enjoyed watching the decanting more than drinking it.
We had a look around Brussels, which has some beautiful old buildings, but poor planning, pollution and people have taken the shine off it's original glory. Still, if you seek, you can find..
and India was thrilled to find more snails!
In the main square the kids were papped again, this time by Iceland Air (?)
Fittingly, the end of our journey had a recap, in the form of 'Mini Europe', which sits right next to the dramatic-looking Atomium.
Built in 1958 for the World Fair, it's not something I had a burning desire to see, however, when I got up close, with that blue sky behind it, I was impressed.
Just like on Survivor – where the final few have a challenge that involves honouring their fallen fellow competitors, the viewers sitting through the montage of their involvement – Mini Europe provided us with our very own memorial montage.
Remember Riga.
Remember Dinant.
More recently, Brussels square, from this post
And there was Paris, too.
It would be hard for Mini Europe to encompass all the places we had visited, but it was still fun to see.
A sunny Sunday brought everyone out, and the streets around the Atomium were bustling. A noisy convoy of cars came to halt near us, and out stepped the best bridal party I've seen…
As they spilled out of cars and mini buses, the trio of musicians that had arrived with them began to play
and the women danced
Look at the bride! I would have loved to be their wedding photographer. So fun!
Hilda had an exhibition open while we were in Paris, and we were keen to check it out. We went there after Mini Europe.
Colourful. Playful. They are her 'Good Mood Lights'
You can see much more of Hilda's (and other's) work on her blog, Art, Design, Kitsch.
That night, we had a bonfire and set off fireworks – it was freezing outside, and we were ready to come home.
Some artichokes we'd bought before leaving for Milan. We hadn't cooked them, and they had flowered while we were gone.
After all our adventures, seeing and experiencing new things, I thought it was a nice way to end.
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