I thought, when Kerstin was here she really ought to see 6ft Hick.
They’re her kind of band, and it’s not like Sweden is high on their tour schedule,
but neither was Sydney.
Kerstin had never been to Melbourne…
and I love any excuse to travel…
The Corner in Melbourne is a huge, multi-level pub, which this particular January evening played host to the launch of new metal magazine, Heavy.
Tonnes of hair bands, with Hick the final act.
Kerstin was in metal hair heaven – as those wacky Swedes with their penchant for metal and things dark, can be.
I, and I’m pleased to be saying this, only took the little water camera.
Pleased to be saying this because the Melburnians seem a little more vigorous (aggro) than the Sydney audience, and if I had my real camera with me I would have got the shits.
As it was, we were moshed out of the mosh.
The photos the Olympus took were very average, but it has surprisingly good audio, so if you want photos, go to my previous posts for 6ft Hick.
Here I have just included a snippet of video.
6ft Hick are foreplay.
I can’t see any women,
or many men,
leaving a gig feeling anything but carnal.
It’s just all that fiery energy.
It’s that moment so close to losing control that appeals to our base instinct and is like pheromones to the psyche… this person is wild therefore they will be good at making babies.
The freedom to act out, perform or create, in all your capacity – it’s disarming, but so deliciously engaging.
Kerstin had a great time.
I knew she would.
Earlier in the evening one of us kicked ass, and carried the team on the pool table, even though I,
I mean one of us,
has played pool three times in the last six years.
And we finished off our first night in Melbourne, appropriately, at the Cherry Bar.
Where a subculture of 80’s style cock-rock looks have (curiously, and strangely delightfully – in that ‘my nanna is cute when she tries to be modern kind of way’) become a dominant feature.
It’s quite bizarre, to me, that the people in two cities in the same country can be so very different.
Fascinating for tourists, like ourselves!
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