Met up with Carlos last night for a combined farewell-and-enjoy-your-30th-birthday- cos-I/we-will-be-on-the-other-side-of-the-world-when-our-respective-milestones-each-roll-around couple of drinks and a game of pool.
Carlos chose the Mona, as our venue of choice. We usually go to the RSL, but he seemed confidant the Thursday night hoards of 18 year olds would not be there as early as us old folks.
In fact, I was surprised to see, and remarked to my challenger for the title of winner – there were a lot of 'boilers' there.
Lo and behold, as our best of five challenge came to it's gripping conclusion, a floor show of the pole dancing variety began (hmmmmm, me thinks my male friend may have known something about the Mona that night). I was stoked, as I have never seen it before.
Some phone cam pics…
Now, for my opinionated for the day…
I always thought pole dancing made your body hot and awesomely fit. It takes a lot of strength. But these gals either didn't look fit at all, or, if they did have taut thighs and abs they were also sporting arms that groaned with "I'll be back" lumpy bits. I refer to my post about the circus, for the activity that makes chicks look the hottest.
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