Driving into the city today, we spied a spot of skywriting.
It began with "Jesus", (which Evan snapped out of the moving car window with my phone camera – hence the hastily-done, and shonkily-presented photoshopping job) and ended with " = Hope".
Lovely sentiment.
I'm not a follower of higher-beings, all-knowings, and super-creators, but I guess he does " = hope" for a lot of people.
But the whole "who pays for that stuff" question started milling around the kids, then one of them said (and this is why I love kids so much),
"They should draw a picture of God up there"
and I immediately thought, "That is soooo cool!"
Just imagine….
An image of a benevolent-looking Jesus (the spunky, bearded version), head cocked slightly to one side, arms outstretched with palms up……
~ cue deep, resonating voice ~
God is watching over you, my children.
And it doesn't need to stop there, you could have area-specific religious leaders!
It's the best damn sales pitch for Christianity since that night in Bethlehem!
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