To return the car… (Flashing light on roof that makes a noise? Check. Lairy fluoro strips down the side? Check. Bracken to shove under bogged tyres – Ooops, no, you have to do that yourself)
Goodbye, Mt Ive!
These birds are so big!
Look at this one on the road
More emus
I try not to write off places, because I know there are hidden treasures everywhere, but I struggle with Port Augusta.
If you were heading to the Gawler Range area from Adelaide, I would advise checking out the small town of Melrose to overnight in (we drove through after Port Augusta). It's got quaint cafes and attractive pubs with a few different accommodation options.
However, we had a look around, and found a few things…
Barge Number 4
I'm usually the one who does the research, and then is all witty and informative about my experiences, while Sonny takes pictures, but on this particular trip I had a few other things going on and he did his research, so in deference, I direct you to Sonny's blog for all you need to know about this barge.
Sunset from the water tower, which is a little too informative (graffiti style) about certain locals
We were keen for somewhere to eat that was better than Barnacle Bills (the only place open by the time we had arrived from Broken Hill a few days earlier, and basically a fish and chip shop pretending to be a restaurant), but we lucked upon the Standpipe.
Motel restaurants don't usually hit the foodie mark, but the Standpipe, with it's delicious Indian menu, was a shining light on an otherwise very black culinary offering.
Acacia Ridge Motor Inn was again our comfortable home for the night.
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