It was becoming the elephant in the room, the fact that while me as a photographer is called Running Under the Sprinkler, I had no image of anyone running anywhere, let alone under a sprinkler.
What I had was a cute picture of my kids playing in a fountain at Darling Harbour taken one very hot day, years ago, on a telephone…
Like I said, cute,
but not a sprinkler.
I didn't even own a sprinkler! That's right. My poor children were missing out on the pleasure that I based my philosophies of business on!
You see, when I finally had a patch of lawn that could be sprinklered, we were in the grips of a drought. Even hosing the lawn was not ok. So I didn't.
I never watered that lawn (I still haven't washed my car since then, either), and it survived. When the drought broke, I had even less reason to water.
So I wouldn't need to own a sprinkler, would I?
Except I needed a photo. So I went out and bought a sprinkler, and my kids had so much fun running under it!
I took photos (thank you to the patient Evan for being the fleccy holder), and here are some I love…
And the one I'm running with? (at least for now)
Thank you to my beautiful models and assistant.
You guys make me smile.
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