Not the last time I was at Lake Gairdner, but the time before, with the kids, not only did I get some great photos like this…
but we also shot some video.
Now, I am no videographer, and I am even less a film maker, and the kids are not the most extraordinary singers – but we all have passion.
The kids love to sing along to some songs, quite loudly, and one of their favourites is Nick Cave’s, The Mercy Seat.
It’s a romping good song, and they love to belt it out.
So we told them “Out on the salt lake, no-one can hear you scream”.
(I told them they could go for it).
It drove me crazy trying to edit the takes into something that made any sense. Made even harder because of the different lyrics they inadvertently sang in the different takes.
Personally, it’s the out takes I love – especially where the usually rather subdued Evan lets loose…
Makes me smile.
And here’s the real thing, though my sound is having issues and the vocal track is really quiet on this music video for me. Let me know if you have the same problem.
And I can’t resist including the pictureless, but grand 7 min version for those who really love the song…
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