It’s always an interesting experiment when you let others get involved in your gardening. Of course, everyone has their own ideas about how everything needs to be done to achieve optimum results.
Nowhere in my garden is this more evident than on my lemon tree.
For years, the tree laboured along with the burden of being an underachiever. Only a few lemons each season, and a constant plague of stink bugs.
So, you know, people put in their 2 cents worth and their 50 cents worth and so on.
This morning, I see it laden with fruit, with many more half-eaten ones discarded on the grass by possums. I told Ev we should grab a few of the slightly yellow ones and ripen them inside, away from the scavengers.
It seems there has been a little mutating going down.
The question is, was it the insect spray to kill the stink bugs that I didn’t want used on my food tree, or was it the urine splashed around the bottom of it, that I was not to keen on either?
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